About Us

Welcome to World Health Clock, the premier resource for tracking and monitoring the world’s environmental health metrics. At World Health Clock, we believe that knowledge is power, and by providing comprehensive data on key sustainability indicators, we aim to empower individuals, organizations, and communities to make informed decisions and take meaningful action toward a healthier planet.

The World Health Clock is a division of Healthy Human, a leading sustainable drinkware company committed to positively impacting the environment. As a certified B Corporation, Healthy Human prioritizes sustainability in its operations. From manufacturing and selling insulated water bottles, tumblers, and food bento boxes, to actively recovering over 2 million plastic bottles from the world’s oceans, Healthy Human is dedicated to reducing waste and promoting responsible consumption.

About Us
About Us

Recognizing the urgent need to address the global environmental crisis, Healthy Human launched World Health Clock as a platform to provide easy access to critical sustainability metrics. We aim to compile and present the most accurate and up-to-date data on various key indicators affecting our planet’s health. Through this platform, we aim to raise awareness, foster understanding, and inspire action towards creating a more sustainable future for all.

Currently, the World Health Clock offers a range of important metrics, including global greenhouse gas emissions, primary forest loss, species extinctions, plastic production and waste, air pollution, temperature change, renewable energy production, and fossil fuel consumption. These metrics offer valuable insights into our planet’s health, and we are continuously working to expand our database by adding more statistics and indicators in the future.

We understand that addressing global environmental challenges requires a collective effort, and we invite you to join us on this journey. By staying informed and engaged with the data provided by World Health Clock, you can play a vital role in driving positive change. We can create a healthier and more sustainable world for future generations.

Thank you for visiting World Health Clock and participating in the movement towards a greener future.

The World Health Clock Team